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Sir Hugh, or the Jew’s Daughter

No: 155; variant: 155O

  1. IT rains, it rains, in merry Scotland, It rains both great and small, And all the children in merry Scotland Must needs play at ball.
  2. They toss the ball so high, And they toss the ball so low; They toss it into the Jew's garden, Where the Jews sate all of a row.
  3. . . . . A-dresse:d all in green: 'Come in, come in, my pretty lad, And you shall have your ball again.'
  4. 'They set me in a chair of state, And gave me sugar sweet; They laid me on a dresser-board, And stuck me like a sheep.
  5. 'Oh lay a Bible at my head, And a Prayer-Book at my feet! In the well that they did throw me in, Full five-and-fifty feet deep.'